

Not a Ubuthebe FM Live volunteer yet, but thinking about it?

At Ubuthebe FM Live we have a dynamic community of 89 volunteers doing everything from front desk work, janitorial work, community reporting, hosting information booths, clerical support, news writing, documentary making, engineering live music, operating sound boards, engineering and computer help, website upkeep, and many, many other things.

Volunteering at Ubuthebe FM Live can take many, many paths. We have volunteers who come in to do things a few times each year, and other volunteers who spend 20+ hours each week at the station. Our volunteers range in age from nine years old to more than 80. Our community strives for inclusive, and includes people of many races, ethnicity, gender identities, sexual orientations, spiritual paths, economic classes, and political & philosophical schools of thought. Together we make up a thriving multi-cultural community working to create fabulous radio.

Orientations for new volunteers happen monthly, and are held at Ubuthebe FM Live, 8 Ehmke Street, Nelspruit 1200, Mpumalanga Province.

To volunteer at Ubuthebe FM Live, there is a three step process to being an active volunteer:

1) Fill out the online Volunteer Application. To fill out the volunteer application form click here.

2) Attend Volunteer Orientation

3) Talk with the volunteer coordinator to find out about training and schedule

4) Complete your first assignment

Volunteers at Ubuthebe FM Live must be able to work collaboratively in a richly diverse, often hectic environment that is committed to non-violence within all levels of the organization.

Depending on your interests and availability, there are a great variety of things to do with Ubuthebe FM Live. Some needs have very regular schedules, some are occasional. In general, volunteers write and produce news and public affairs content, mix-live music in studio, keep our website fresh and interesting, help with clerical support, help with outreach and special events, maintain the record library and archives, record lectures, meetings and readings, produce audio graphic arts, staff the front desk, and in many other ways

Currently, our biggest needs are for: news room volunteers, distributing flyers / posting, live remote broadcast tech help, live music mixologists, audio producers, audio production trainers, clerical support in the membership office, and outreach volunteers to help with special events, and outreach information tables.

We also currently have openings for volunteers to:

  • Write / edit / produce the news — shifts available every weekday
  • Produce local news reports
  • Produce and edit audio
  • Produce public affairs content
  • Contribute to web content
  • Do janitorial work
  • Mail out “thank you gifts” to members who requested them
  • Staff the Ubuthebe FM Live info table at exciting events
  • Staff the front desk
  • Photograph Ubuthebe FM Live events in and outside of the studios
  • Record audio away from Ubuthebe FM Live — (create field recordings)
  • Help plan special events / benefits
  • Serve on advisory committees (open to Ubuthebe FM Live members only)
  • Engineer or announce live remotes
  • Set up & mix live music for on air performances
  • Maintain computers
  • Help to database our music library
  • Upload original archives to internet
  • Create CDs from live in-studio performances
  • Help write content for our website
  • Create podcasts
  • Board-op for news and public affairs programming
  • Create dynamic public affairs programs
  • Substitute for a music program host
  • Help with social media outreach
  • Contribute to grant applications / grant writing

If you have been to volunteer orientation and you are interested in any of these roles, contact us to let us know.  We will be happy to talk with you about the specific role, any training you need, and the schedule involved.

Contacts LINES

Tel: 087 222 6231
eMail: info@ubfmlive.co.za / sales@ubfmlive.co.za Physical Address: 8 Ehmke Street, Nelspruit
